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时间:2009-04-24 16:01来源:门协网 作者:约翰王 点击:
门球 ---croquet, gateball;在杆球---cue ball; 球槌---mallet; 闪送球---to despatch ball; 闪带球---to bombard ball; 闪带对方球出界---to smash the opponent ball off the lawn 门球技艺---the skill to play gateball(croquet) 球门---hoop(gate)


门球---croquet, gateball;  在杆球---cue ball; 球槌---mallet;
闪送球---to despatch ball;    闪带球---to bombard ball;
闪带对方球出界---to smash the opponent ball off the lawn
门球技艺---the skill to play gateball(croquet)       球门---hoop(gate)


1.在杆球--- the striker's ball;           2.先手球---the leading ball
3.近号球---the next number ball        4.后手球---the following ball
5.炮弹球---the bombarding ball         6界外球--- the outer ball

7.开球区---the start area                   8.4角区--- the 4th corner
9.领队------the manager 
 10.教练---the coach
12.队员---striker (team mumbers) 
 13.替补队员---the substitutes

14.手触球,停杆!----Stop striking for your touching the ball by hand!
15.撞击3号和6号!----Hit ball No.1 & No.6!
16.2号击柱,满分!---- Hit the Goal-pole, the Ball No.2 gets full points!
17.3号过一门,得分!the Ball No.3 passes the Gate No.1 and goal!
18.门球是令人称奇的过门游戏---Gateball is a phenomenal wicket game;
19.按数字顺序进场击球--- to play in numberical sequence;
20.队员要带号码牌---the player should wear numbered bibs;
21.进场压线----Let  the ball go inside near the line!;
22.一杆击中两球就获得两次闪球权和两次续击权---Hit two balls on the same
   stroke, the striker plays two sparks, and two extra shots。;
22. 人造草坪---Artificial turf
23. 人造草皮---Astroturf
24.现代门球英语简介-----Brief Introduction to Gateball

      Modern gateball was invented in 1947 in Japan. It is played on a rectangular court 20-25 metres  long and 15-20 metres wide. Each court has three gates and a goal pole. The game ia payed by two teams (red and white ) of ten players. Each player has a numbered ball corresponding to their playing order. The odd-numbered balls are red and the even-numbered balls are white. Teams score one point for each ball hit through a gate and two points for hitting the goal pole, in accordance with the rules. A game of gateball lasts for 30 minutes
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